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10 Flight Winch Launched Introductory Package


Buy a 10 Flight Winch Launch Package Now.



The charge includes all you need to get started with an introduction into learning how to fly a glider


10 Winch Launch Flights
3 Months Club Membership
3 Months GFA Membership  (Gliding Federation of Australia)  REQUIRED'
Pilot training Log book
Free Instruction from club Volunteer Instructors
Reserved preferential flight slots on specified flight training days
Flight briefings (in personal group and on Zoom)




Flights to be taken within the 3 month period
No refunds once the introductory training has commenced.
Priority for package holders in the flight list on specified training days
You may attend on specified club training days and take part in the normal flight activities of the club - but on those days you will be allocated flights in the normal club flying list for the day.
Once you have used up your 10 flights, you may continue flying and will be charged the standard club fees for launching and flying.
If you have unused flights at the end of the 3 month period, you will not get a cash refund but can carry over a credit for these if you join the club as a full or student member and pay the appropriate subscription.
Within the 3 month period or prepaid membership, you can apply to become a full member of the club converting to a fully paid full or student member subscription payable at that time. Any unused portion of your 3 month club membership and unused flights will remain as a credit on your account.
You will be expected to be trained in and take part in the activities required to run a day of winch launch flying. eg.
oAttending the club to be present at the daily flight briefing
oAssisting with the club operations trhougout the day's flying.
oDaily preparation of gliders before flying
oAssisting in towing gliders on the field under direction of a  club member
oAssistingin retrieving the winch launch cable after a launch
oAny other general duties required to keep the day operating satisfactorily
oAssisting in putting gliders back inthe hangar and cleaning them at the end of a day.
oAttending the daily after flying debrief
If you are already a GFA member or elect to pay it yourself directly to GFA either for a 3 month membership of longer term GFA membership, the portion of the fee relating to GFA membership, if already paid, will be refunded to your account.
If you wish to undertake flights other than the prepaid winch launch flights (eg Self Launch Glider flight(s), or Aero tow lanched flights in our aircraft, these will be charge to your account at club member rates . Such flights will not be counted as using up your prepaid winch launch flghts.



Buy a 10 Flight Winch Launch Package Now.



Driving the winch


A glider being launched by a rope



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